
For more than 125 years, the Texas Society DAR has brought DAR educational opportunities to students and educators in the Lone Star State.
Teacher Resources
A committee of educator Daughters develops original lesson plans for PreK-12 students that tell the story for America. Learn more on the NSDAR website.
In addition, many Texas chapters engage in service to local schools. If you are interested in your classroom or campus partnering with DAR volunteers, please contact a Texas chapter in your area.
Classroom Grants
PreK-16 teachers and administrators may apply for grants through the DAR American Revolution Legacy Grant program in support of educational initiatives or student programs that focus on the theme of “Stars and Stripes Forever: The Enduring Legacy of the American Revolution.” Learn more on the NSDAR website.
Essay Contests
American History Essay Contest
The American History Essay Contest is open to fifth through eighth grade students in public, private, and parochial schools, as well as registered home-study programs. Information about this contest is available on the NSDAR website. Teachers or school administrators in Texas may contact a chapter in their area.
Patriots of the American Revolution High School Essay Contest
The Patriots of the American Revolution Essay Contest is open to ninth through 12th grade students in public, private, and parochial schools, as well as registered home-study programs. Information about this contest is available on the NSDAR website. Teachers or school administrators in Texas may contact a chapter in their area.
The Texas Society DAR has established multiple scholarships at the following Texas colleges and universities. The scholarships are administered by the institution. For more information about the scholarship and for instructions on how to apply, please contact the respective institution’s financial aid office.
- Angelo State University: TXDAR General Scholarship
- Howard Payne University: Lottie Wooley Scholarship; Cornelia A. Massengill Scholarship
- Prairie View A&M University: Texas DAR Endowed Early Childhood Education Scholarship
- Sam Houston State University: Law Enforcement Scholarship; Teacher Education Scholarship
- Stephen F. Austin University: Forestry Scholarship
- Sul Ross State University: Agricultural Scholarship
- Texas A&M University, Kingsville: Agricultural Scholarship
- Texas Tech University: Science Scholarship
- Texas State University, San Marcos: Texas DAR Certification in Learning Disabilities Scholarship
- Texas Woman’s University: Nursing Scholarship
- University of Texas: TXDAR Endowed Scholarship
- UTMB: Occupational Therapy Scholarship
- West Texas A&M University: TXDAR Panhandle-Plains Historical Research Center
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution also has several scholarships. Please visit the NSDAR website for more information.
Additionally, some Texas chapters offer chapter-level scholarship programs.
Youth Programs
Junior American Citizens
The Junior American Citizens (JAC) Program is open to every school-age child in the United States and promotes good citizenship and appreciation of American heritage and history. Information on the JAC Program is available on the NSDAR website. Students should contact their teacher for information about this contest. Teachers or school administrators in Texas may contact a chapter in their area.
DAR Good Citizens Award
The purpose of the DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest is to recognize and reward high school seniors who demonstrate the qualities of a good citizen. This program is only open to high school seniors whose schools are accredited by their state board of education or a recognized accrediting organization such that a General Education Development (GED) test is not required to receive a high school diploma. Information on this award and contest is available on the NSDAR website. Teachers or school administrators in Texas may contact a chapter in their area.
DAR Youth Leadership Medal
This award is presented to students in grades five through 11 (elementary, junior and senior high schools; public, private, or parochial), who fulfill the qualities of honor, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism. Information about this award is available on the NSDAR website. Teachers or school administrators in Texas may contact a chapter in their area.